Life Of Pi (2012) DVDRip 550MB


A novelist has come to talk to Pi Patel, a middle-aged Indian immigrant from Pondicherry, living in Canada. Pi’s father named him Piscine Molitor after a swimming pool in France. As a child he changed his name to “Pi” (the mathematical symbol, π) because he was tired of being called “Pissing Patel”. In flashback it was seen that his family owned a zoo, and Pi took great interest in the animals, especially a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. When Pi tries to feed the tiger in great curiosity, his father runs in and angrily tells him that the tiger is dangerous and not like a human. He forces Pi to witness the tiger killing a goat to prove his point. Pi is raised Hindu and vegetarian, but at 12 years old, he is introduced to Christianity and then Islam, and starts to follow all three religions as he “just wants to love God.” His mother supports his desire to grow, but his father, a rationalist, tries to convert him to his own way of thinking (“think rationally”).

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Movie name:
Life Of Pi
Rating (IMDB):
8.2 /10
Release Date:

21 November 2012 (USA)

Adventure , Drama
Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan and Adil Hussain
02 : 01 : 03
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Life Of Pi 2012

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